From the Mitsubishi forklift engine department comes this special Engine Stand bonus how-to edition of Tool of the Week. The Engine Stand is a purposeful tool that is designed to hold an engine block for dismantling and assembly. While these stands are great to have around, they do not posses an abundance of utility when not holding up an engine. Most engine stands are often … [Read more...]
August Old Schools
The best sort of car meets and shows are the kind where folks drive in, hang out, and then get back into their cars and drive off until next time. The monthly gathering of imports in Santa Clara falls directly into the category of low key and casual events where those who dig a certain kind of car can meet and greet. Bugs and dents on daily driven and budget classics speak to … [Read more...]
Hover Dynamics RX2000
Lest the gnashing tones of bad news make us forget we must continue to forge headlong into the future of alternative and entertaining transportation, we bring you this late-eighties early-nineties vintage Hover Dynamics RX2000 personal hovercraft. This mint-condition machine was seen in the swap meet section at a recent Goodguys show, and appeared to be the ultra rare RX2000 … [Read more...]
Renault 16 Hatchwagon
From the Sahara Desert Expedition desk comes this 1971 Renault R16. Owner Ken Nelson's latest excursion was to the Concours d'Lemons event. Ken reports he's already loading the machine for its next outing - this time to the desert. The R16 is indeed a rugged automobile and features and impressive amount of cargo space for journeying from its current home base in Palo Alto, … [Read more...]
Old School Imports Meet
It's that time on the calendar where various third Wednesdays or last Thursdays mean there's a reason to fire up that old bucket and drive it out and meet up. This Thursday the 27th, 2009 marks the third roll-in of the NorCal SoBay Old School Import faithful in Santa Clara, California. The gathering runs from 7PM until whenever. There is no admission fee other than driving in … [Read more...]