If for no other reason than wanting to see a resurgence in cellulose fueled steam engine motoring, Clunkbucket is proud to announce the vortex of awesome that is the Pacific Coast Dream Machines show. Shown here is the Famous Buffalo Springfield Steam Roller, part of the collection of machines maintained and operated by the Roots of Motive Power organization. The Pacific Coast … [Read more...]
Rear Engine Front Driver
Ben F. Gregory constructed a front wheel drive roadster even before fishing some diamonds allegedly acquired from a Kansas City madam out of a gas tank and making way to California in 1920. Once out west Gregory sold the diamonds, and with the take installed a Hispano-Suiza engine in a a proper Gregory racing machine. After the World War II Gregory continued his advocacy of … [Read more...]
Resistance is Futile
From the Yoyodyne propulsion west coast research division of the Odd Rod department comes this 1954 Chevrolet Handyman wagon. Beyond the more than three different shades of brown on the outside is what powers this longroof out of sight. Under the tall hood of the Chevrolet is a 390 cubic inch Ford V8. This combination likely brought more than a few face palm moments from those … [Read more...]
Tool of the Week
After many years of busted knuckles and voluminous quantities of swearing, there is no single tool that delivered more of a eureka moment than this cordless impact wrench. If there is one tool to bring to the junkyard make it this one. While the trusty air compressor powers the pneumatic impact wrench and other air tools in the garagelet, the electrical version simply cannot be … [Read more...]
LeMon of the Week III
Back to France in just two short weeks? Is Nicolas Sarkozy's wife double-barrel smoking hot? And why you ask? Because this week our LeMon is a rusty 1973 Citroen SM. According to some of those car cognesceti types (hi mom!), the Citroen SM is one of the very greatest cars ever made. If not the greatest. To more rational, reasonable and logic-based types, the Sport Maserati by … [Read more...]