When most folks hear "Saab Sonett," their thoughts immediately turn to handsomely awkward fiberglass FWD coupes racing to 60 mph in 12.5 seconds flat thanks to a Ford sourced V4 engine. But that's the mid-60s Sonett II. This, friends is the OG Swede racer aka the Sonett I. Desinged in a barn near Trollhättan by four guys named Rolf, Sven, Gotta and Olle (really), … [Read more...]
Suzuki Cervo Bonanza
From our Japan bureau comes this customized later seventies vintage Suzuki Cervo coupe. According to the materials at the mighty Clunkbucket research lab, this car featured a 3-cylinder 539 cubic centimeter air-cooled engine mounted transversely out back that spun the rear wheels with nearly 40 horsepower! Exported versions of the coupe were rumored to have been sent out … [Read more...]
Far Better at Snacking
Even though we certainly list snacking as an activity around here at the Clunkbuckets, it is time for us to make a clarifying announcement. There are those on the internets with a similar name that are far more proficient at snacking than us. Cluckbucket with a C bills themselves as the greatest chicken wing site in the world. We believe them. Behold the story of Scott … [Read more...]
Origins of Jam Car
While driving on the freeways of the bay area you may often hear me exclaim, "jam car" in reference to singular or multiple Prius hybrids jamming up the lanes. This would not be the first time for phrases shouted in cars. Because people often look at me like I have lobsters coming out my eyes when I say jam car, an explanation. Jam car refers to the original jam car, shown … [Read more...]
Find a Shop Manual
We often field queries concerning a repair or upgrade to a particular part and vehicle. How do I replace the heater core on my 1973 Ford Pinto wagon, or swap out a dead alternator on my 1982 Toyota Cressida? There are really two answers to these questions. The first is we don't know, exactly. The second is about the same way you would on any other car. The specific answers to … [Read more...]