From the worldwide economic trends department comes the news that the Toyota Starlet is still a reasonably priced car. Piotr from Poland sent in these shots of this new-to-him 1982 Toyota Starlet in white. The KP61 is all original, and according to the rear deck lid window sticker, a totally fantastic Toyota. With 300,000 kilometers on the clock the K-series engine should be good for at least another 300K . The pushrod 1300cc peanut grinder should be just about worn in at 186,000 miles and ready to gnash about for another 27 years. Piotr says the Starlet runs great despite its years and that he is ready make it a better car than it already is. A wider wheel and tire combination along with a fresh set of dampers will return many years of motoring amusement.
Sadly, Starlets are not reasonably priced in my area (Dallas). I guess they didn’t sell too many here because when they do pop up people want 3 to 4K for them…which is insane. Where are all the sub 1K starlets…sadness……