Bringing the formerly disparate worlds of cruiser bicycles and vintage go karts together at last is this, uhm – well, we don’t know what this thing is. It appears that this internal combustion engine and human powered bicycle hybrid was fused into being by way of some cleverly welded steel and a castaway go-kart or minibike engine. A keen-eyed 1925 Citroen Cloverleaf owner spied this contraption parked outside its destination in Phoenix, Arizona. It may not be possible to create a more perfect vehicle for travel to and from the Harbor Freight Tools store. We salute whoever put this together, with hope that the coaster brake internals on that old cruiser bicycle are in good shape, and closely synchronized with the centrifugal clutch on the rear-mounted kart engine.
Thanks to Mark Saperstein for the on-the-spot photos
Nice find!
Simple, effective, dangerous. Love it!
The ape hangers tie the whole ensemble together real well.