The man-made island that sits between the two sections of the bay bridge will be the site of an old school and vintage import gathering tomorrow, July 18th. The event will run from from 10AM until whenever the BBQ coals cool off, and the last set of Panasports are sold. All old school cars are welcome. The gathering seems to be a combined effort of numerous clubs, forums, and the only other guy we’ve ever met that owns both a Starion and a Starlet. So blow the dust off that Datsun 810 sedan, grab some snacks and beverages, and head on out to the middle of the bay for a day in the sun. We’re almost positive there might even be some old schools native to the residents of Treasure Island. The only charge for the event will be the bridge toll itself. If you motor to the island from the San Francisco side you’ll save four bucks. Follow the Celicas and Starlets, or this use handy map of Treasure Island. [edit – not really a BBQ, but there will be some grilling]
Thanks to JapaneseNostalgicCar, the StarquestClub, and the 1939 World’s Fair for making Treasure Island in the first place.
They said the BBQ portion isnt really happening, but to bring your own food. Us StarQuesters are coming prepared though. We will be grilling!
Awesome! Clunkbucket will bring donuts.
I like those old Celica’s .Post some pictures of the event.
Was great success! High five!