Where do the months go? We don’t know either. The good news is that the last Thursday of September has passed, which means its time for another Santa Clara old schools import roundup bonanza! The coolest deal about this monthly gathering is that everyone drives in, then drives right back out again. Most of the cars on the lot are either daily driven or close to it. With a few exceptions, every one of the show going machines are works in progress – with some projects on a longer than short term completion schedule. One or two are for sale to become someone another project. So goes the old school continuum. The usual crowd of Datsuns were joined this time around by a few Toyotas, and even a lone Volkswagen mystery Beetle with a hot engine out back. Do people still drive and wrench on old cars for fun? Why yes. They do.
Great cars, nicely shot. My favorite is the 510 wagon. Front end needs to come down a little, though.
I love the 280Z. One day I will show up with a Ghia…Of course I have to buy and restore one first.
I love your continued old school coverage. I can only stomach so much of the $50,000 Evo club… and I’m a die hard Mitsubishi guy. I casually mentioned to some of the guys at the local DSM In-N-Out meet this month that we should open things up to more old school cars, but I think I’m going to have to start prowling the every-Saturday-night-since-1950-something Pavilions Car Show in Scottsdale, looking for vintage imports. The community seems second to none.
Thanks Mad_Science, that’s my wagon, and yeah it has to be to be dropped. I already have shortened struts and rear lowering blocks but just have to find the time to get it done.
Mike, thanks for posting all the photos from the Santa Clara Old School Meet. I also like the way you feature one car from the meet. I also want to thank you for posting a very nice photo of my 1983 Celica GTS from the August get together. Also the nice group of Datsun fanatics who want to share their passion for the marque and make these meet possible.
Hey there’s my car! I just got it a couple months ago. Next step will be fixing some rusty spots before the rains come.