Even though there is most certainly a guy wearing a Members Only jacket and acid washed jeans that might disagree, 1982 was a long time ago. In that same year was the first production run for a car closer to the heart around here – the Mitsubishi Starion. This month’s Santa Clara gathering brought a collection of newer and older players along with an impressive number of Mitsubishi Starions, Chrysler Conquests, and a lone Starion turbo-engined Dodgmitsu Mighty Max pickup truck. This might have been the largest gathering of StarQuests seen in Santa Clara since the then new Specialty Sports Coupes were lined up at local Mitsubishi dealerships and Chrysler Import Centers. Post-gathering driving excursions involved some tire smoke, aimless GPS-inspired motoring, dislocated intercooler hoses, and a number one with grilled onions at the local In-N-Out Burger. Thanks to a forum post and those answering the call, there were good times and turbocharged forklift engines for everyone.
More: Original and now legendary thread at StarQuestClub.com
Every ’80s Japanese pickup needs custom pink DeVille-esque rims. Actually, no, no they don’t… but they work here somehow.
That electric blue is painful to not own.
Those appear to be Escalade rims. Factor in the turbo’d Starion lump under the bonnet and you have a supernova of minitruck win.
Glad the Starions/Conquest could make it out to the meetup. Now if we can only get more Starlets out there! 🙂
This month’s old school import meet may be moved up since the last Thursday of the month is Turkey Day…I’ll have to post it up on the same sites, Ratsun, the510realm, japanesenostalgic, and craigslist of course. Stay tuned.