After many years of busted knuckles and voluminous quantities of swearing, there is no single tool that delivered more of a eureka moment than this cordless impact wrench. If there is one tool to bring to the junkyard make it this one. While the trusty air compressor powers the pneumatic impact wrench and other air tools in the garagelet, the electrical version simply cannot be beat for dismantling engines or dismembering suspensions in the field. This particular example was the best forty bucks spent on any tool in recent years. No, it won’t remove bolts torqued down by Gorilla Monsoon himself, but does boast a surprising amount of power. Stow a set of 3/8 impact sockets along with a few swivels in the toolbox, and that old T-50 transmission or set of slot mags will be yours for the taking in minutes.
Hmmm…I like this idea. I’ve always wanted an impact wrench but the lack of a proper garage limits my ability to have a large compressor. Got a brand name?
Word. I’ve got a 1/2 inch drive Snap On version of this and it’s by far my favourite piece of kit. So much so that even in the workshop my air impact wrench now sees little action. You kind of wonder how you ever managed without one!
Good god, man, why was I not previously aware of the existence of electric impact wrenches?
This is a major failure on my part.
I could also see this being handy, living, as I do, in a modest apartment in the woods– an air compressor just isn’t a practical thing to keep in my home.
Where’d you get one for $40?
For the price of most of the cordless impacts I find, I could get a liquid CO2 setup and run the air tools off of that.
Looks a lot like the Harbor Freight unit to me. It’s no DeWalt, but great for boneyard stuff.
Correct! The boneyard is the killer app for this tool.
Nice- but after the previously-featured bigass hammer, I’d say the most important tool is the length of rugged pipe: the poor-man’s impact wrench. It’ll break any nut you put it on (one way or another) and it’s an excellent way of stress-testing your ratchet as well. After all, the lever was the first tool. (After fire, I suppose.)
Oh man. I was just linked to the site today via Twitter and I’m enjoying poking around. Despite my tardiness in replying to this one, the cordless electric impact gun is the best.
This is my cordless impact gun. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Without me, my cordless impact gun is useless. Without my cordless impact gun, I am useless (or relegated to breaker bars, severe bleeding, and an endless river of swear words).
I was lucky and got one of those blue, “Goodyear Racing” 24V models for Christmas a couple years back. Recently, I played musical wheels with no fewer than FIVE cars in a single day. This was the tool to have, as the cars were located in three different locations. A single charge was all it took and made wheel swaps a fifteen minutes per car affair.
Greatness. Subscribed.