Long before the Car Allowance Rebate System prematurely doled out billions for OK and used up automobiles alike, cars and trucks that outlasted their useful purposes met a natural dismantled end at the junkyard. A few chosen junkers of the highest order sidestep this recycling time line for a last go in the name of entertainment. Any automobile that makes a final pre-junkyard appearance at a thrill show, rollover contest, or smash-up derby, forever holds a unique slot in the pantheon of great automotive achievements. In this case a Ford Econoline van is shown doing its best to entertain a cheering crowd while chained to the back of a jet-powered dragster. Victory, Econoline.
More: 40th Annual Governor’s Cup Championship at Sacramento Raceway Park
We flambé econo?
I’m going with
Jet Dragster:1
Econline: 0
His name was Robert Paulson.
Econoline wins because it entertained the crowd.